Thursday, May 20, 2010

When thing goes wrong~~don't let it go...but how?

its been 3 weeks in a row...I got 6hrs of lab session per day...3 group of 2hrs per session...its very tiring since all 3 sessions, it ended soon (430pm today)...kept explaining the same thing..over and over again...but what to do...I guess its ok if its not Friday (and Monday too)...but its not complains though...just want to say that I am really happy it will end soon~~~

I read this book 'Hijaab Waali'...OMG..I've been reading this since Feb..1 day...2page..before sleep..but now its getting interesting..and I'm going to finish read it tonight...its really interesting...

just want to share some quote from the book..

"only when I saw the weather's style, I realize how quickly people change''....

its true~~~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe..only now u know its interesting kan?haha...keep on baca..