Friday, December 31, 2010


Last omelan for this year.

Welcoming the year of 2011. Waiting for it? Sure. Hope 2011 jadi lebih baik dari tahun tahun sebelumnya. Mungkin some haven't achieve all this year resolution. Including me lah. I wrote it for sure.

I read one of my friends fb status regarding resolution, she was not wrote about new year resolution, instead she wrote about the 100 things to do before die.

I remembered during my Module training on October, we are required to list down 100 things to done/own or whatever in life. I still have 70 empty spaces for that. Thats so me lah. Have to complete it soon.

And for the year of 2011, I will face new environment, new people. Hmm, I got the guideline last few days, seriously freak me out. I always have negative thinking regarding this new task. OMG, am I able to do this? All the negative thought surround me easily. Still have it till now. T_T *scream*

Happy New Year 2011